
Ariel is a licensed acupuncturist and clinical chinese herbalist in Massachusetts and nationally certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She graduated from the esteemed Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in 2020. Her path on the holistic healing journey started during her undergraduate studies at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. After spending her first two years pre-med as a psychology major with a neuroscience concentration, she pivoted to build her own major combining clinical western herbalism, sustainable food and farming, social justice and bicycle mechanics. 

Throughout her twenties, Ariel delved deeper into herbalism studies while exploring various occupations such as organic farming, landscaping, construction, and bicycle mechanics. Her personal experience with chronic injuries redirected her focus back towards studying healing, leading her to pursue education in Chinese Medicine in 2016. Enamored by the extensive treatment options and holistic approach of Chinese medicine, Ariel found her calling in helping patients on their healing journeys. It fills her to the brim when she’s able to bring peace and relief to a patient during a treatment.

Ariel is planning on becoming certified in psychedelic assisted therapy to guide patients with this incredible medicine to support their mental health, in combination with Chinese Medicine.

When she’s not at work you can find her immersed in the woods or on a mountain with her dog Monkey, identifying plants and mushrooms, playing folk music, doing macrame, yoga or HIIT workouts and spending time with friends and family.

Ariel’s work feels like.. Gently sinking into the earth and letting gaia hold you to rest and recover


Thursday: 9am-2pm

Friday: 9am-2pm

Saturday: 2pm-8pm


  • Acupuncture

  • Cupping

  • Moxibustion

  • Electro acupuncture

  • Shiatsu and mixed massage

  • Chinese herbal therapy

  • So tai and targeted exercises

Kindness is having the ability to speak with love, listen with patience and act with compassion
— -Raktivist

Ariel is skilled in treating
symptoms that arise from:

Ariel specializes in addressing emotional/mental/spiritual well-being (including depression, anxiety, PTSD, grief, and addiction support among others), neurological issues, pain management and resolution, digestive issues, women’s health, chronic illness, general wellbeing and more

What To Expect:

Ariel prioritizes creating a safe, respectful and trusted environment where each patient feels seen and heard. She will do an extensive initial intake, gathering information about health history, social and environmental influences, general life issues and a person’s overall constitution. Based on the session’s priorities, Ariel chooses appropriate modalities tailored to the patient’s needs and preferences. She tends to have a gentle touch and ensures that the patient has a voice in their treatment preferences, whether it involves massage, cupping, minimal needles or wanting to become a porcupine!