A Skin Care approach that is based on improving your over all well being, as well as a spot check on your skin.

Water House Skin Care: An “Alternative Functional Medicine” Approach

  • Diet & Nutrition

    Eat a balanced diet rich in whole, water and nutrient-dense foods. Avoid processed foods, refined sugar, and trans fats. Incorporate plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables to support healthy skin.

    Nutrition supports gut health, which plays a key role in skin health. Incorporate probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables into your diet.

    Stay hydrated & drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

  • Soothe Stress

    Chronic stress can have a negative impact on skin health. Find ways to manage stress, such as through massage therapy, meditation, south baths, and other relaxation techniques like yoga and walking.

  • Avoid exposure to toxins

    Avoid using skincare products that contain potentially harmful chemicals such as parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances. Instead, opt for natural and organic products.

    Our skin care line that combines Clarity products with other mindfully chosen serums, washes and sunscreens will support the external layers of your skin and protect the natural barrier that skin provides.

  • An approach to skincare focusing on promoting optimal skin health from the inside out by addressing the root cause of any skin concerns.

How we can help.

Our facials, peels, body wraps and packages combine skin care with sauna and other wellness services are designed to be an alternative functional medicine approach to skin care.

What do we mean by “alternative functional medicine” when we are not doctors and this is not medicine?

Our services are not intended to replace medical treatment or advice from a healthcare practitioner. However, we can offer an approach to skincare that takes into consideration the whole person and addresses the root causes of skin concerns.

Our skincare services are designed to support your overall health and well-being, by taking a holistic approach that considers factors such as diet, stress, and lifestyle habits.

  • We believe that healthy skin comes from the inside out, which is why our skincare services are designed to promote overall wellness and balance.

  • Our skincare services are not just about treating symptoms, but about addressing the underlying causes of skin concerns.

  • Our advice does not replace or constitute medical advice, it is a starting point for your journey of well-being or a stop on the path. Bring your concerns to your primary care and make sure to address any health concerns with a care team that layers doctors and self care.

Start where you are.

When you begin working with us, we will walk you through lifestyle and environmental factors that may be contributing to your skin concerns.

This includes cultivating an understanding of your current diet, stress levels, and sleep habits. Instead of offering advice, we will point you towards resources that you can use at home.

Our goal is to provide treatments in a supportive and non-judgmental way, and to empower you to take control of your own health and well-being.

it's always advisable to consult with your healthcare practitioner for further advice and treatments as Water House is not offering medical advice.

Water House Wellness