Is Microneedling Right for You?

Skin imperfections can make people feel self-conscious, but thankfully there are a lot of options available to treat common issues and boost your confidence! We’re doing a series on the skin care services that we provide at Water House Wellness so that you can find the best option for your needs!

If you’re not a fan of needles, the idea of microneedling may bother you. But for the vast majority of clients, microneedling is not painful and side effects are minimal. It also has a short recovery time compared to other in-office treatments. We’ve put together this guide to help you decide if microneedling is right for you.

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure for your skin. The idea behind it is that poking microscopic holes in the skin will damage it just enough to force the production of collagen to repair the damage with new skin cells.

It was first introduced in the mid 1990s and was originally done with an inkless tattoo gun! Today, we use a handheld device with thin needles to lightly puncture the top layer of your skin. It’s light damage but does not leave scars. Instead, it stimulates your skin into healing mode. 

This forces the production of new collagen and elastin, which are essential for tight, smooth, and youthful skin. As we age, our bodies make less collagen, but it can be produced when the skin is damaged. 

Microneedling is not painful and has few side effects other than temporary redness and swelling post-treatment. It also has a shorter recovery time compared to lasers or chemical peels. You will probably need multiple microneedling treatments to get the best results, usually about 3 weeks to 8 weeks apart.

Benefits of Microneedling

According to Water House Wellness Board Certified Esthetician Kassy A, “Microneedling is great for those struggling with and looking to minimize the look of acne scarring, surgical scarring, wrinkles and stretch marks. I have seen this service correct and reduce the depth and coloration of acne scarring/hyperpigmentation and greatly reduce the depth of fine lines/wrinkles leaving the skin's texture smooth.”

The procedure has been shown to work for the following issues:

  • Wrinkles or fine lines

  • Large pores

  • Crepey skin

  • Acne scars

  • Skin discoloration or uneven skin tone

  • Stretch marks

Although the treatment was originally introduced for cosmetic reasons, it’s now being used to help with some medical issues. Microneedling can be effective for people who have burn scars, alopecia (hair loss), hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), and is even being used to help with drug delivery. 

It’s also a very safe and effective technique for darker skinned people who sometimes don’t get the benefits of other treatments such as lasers. 

Who should avoid microneedling?

Unfortunately not everyone is a good candidate for microneedling. It’s always smart to talk to your doctor or a healthcare professional before having any type of cosmetic treatment to be sure it doesn’t interfere with any medical issues or medications.

Microneedling is not recommended for people who have skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, cystic or inflammatory active, cold sores, or keloid scars. It’s also not recommended for people with blood disorders, some neurological conditions, or people in chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

Microneedling at Water House Wellness

Prior to having the procedure by one of our experienced board certified estheticians at Water House Wellness, your provider will go over everything to be sure it’s a good fit for you. 

When it’s time to get started, we will start with a gentle cleanse. Then your provider applies a hyaluronic acid serum to hydrate the skin and help prevent any tugging. The procedure is considered mostly painless, but for anyone with anxiety or an aversion to needles, we can use a numbing cream.

Your provider gently uses the microneedling device to make the tiny wounds in your skin. You might feel warmth or a scratching sensation on your face. Some people feel slight discomfort especially around bony areas like cheekbones. 

Our microneedling sessions last 45 minutes. Following the procedure, we apply hyaluronic serum and send you home with care instructions. Water House also has a serum wrap option where we’ll provide products to help aid in healing and hydration for up to a week following your procedure. 

To conveniently book your microneedling session, check out our availability.


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