The world needs Massage Therapists.

Dear Water House community.

OMG thank you for making it to this webpage and thank you for being part of the community that serves us every single day. We are endlessly grateful for your business and support and for the opportunity to contribute to your wellness and healthcare.

Many of you know, that these are trying times for all workers and businesses hoping to create and maintain awesome work environments. There is pertinent information about our industry that I would like to share and invite you to email, copy and paste and screenshot to your friends and family.

The massage therapy industry is growing at the speed of light and the demand for massage therapy is at an all-time high, while small businesses like Water House have an increasingly difficult time finding employees because there is a shortage of practitioners that continued to practice due to the pandemic and many schools reduced programming or shut down all together in the last three years. Meanwhile, we continue to search for the most dedicated and passionate providers that will offer treatments that address your concerns, that enjoy our company culture and laid back environment.

This has meant extending our own paid training program that we offer when we onboard employees and teaming up to partner with high quality institutions like Spirit Wellness Institute to to gather the troops, address the industry needs and get to work inviting new graduates to work at Water House.

Are you interested in a career in Massage Therapy?

Maybe you have always been inspired by our work at Water House and feel called to a career in bodywork and now are considering massage therapy.

We support you getting started! The world needs more healers, it needs more touch and it needs relationships that span generations, color, national origin, gender and sexuality. The relationships our therapists build at Water House last and are impactful.

Just today, I connected with a client- we’ll call him Juan- who I had not seen since before the pandemic. During the massage, I asked about his wife by name and his son. Juan reminded me that I met him when his son was an infant and now his son is headed to college. We laughed and realized we had stories that spanned almost two decades and a trust that had been built on years of showing up and being present. A priceless gift to both of us, built one hour at a time over the years.

During the session Juan mentioned having gained weight during Covid and I empathized.

“Me too!” I claimed. I gained a ton of weight. “I know you did” Juan responded- with that dry Bostonian sense of humor I had come to always be surprised by and endlessly entertained with all these years. His way of saying “sure, sure. I bet you did while you ate nothing but olive oil and kale.”

“Wow Juan, I almost forgot about your perfectly dry but on target sense of humor!” “Well, you set me up for that one.” We laughed.

I have to admit, I don’t think Juan and I would have ever crossed paths except for in this profession. He works a pretty straight laced job, participates in sports that would instantly maim me and I’m never in a location where I can’t wear sneakers and yoga pants. But connecting through the work has stood the test of time. He has sent in his wife, family, friends and coworkers to meet me and each time I feel so lucky to be trusted to do a great job.

Juan is only one of many folks that have made a lasting impression on my life because of massage therapy. Each person I worked on today was an individual with an entirely beautiful and busy life and they showed up to trust me with their aches and pain. It is truly incredible that I get to hang out with people for work.

Massage therapy career offers these relationships as icing on the cake of being a caregiver. Massage itself is a creative, problem solving profession for folks that like to do work without micromanaging and are good one on one. At the end of the day, you can go home knowing that everyone had been happy to spend time with you and you made a difference in their lives.

Your contribution is valuable, with ripple effects. So much so, that we would be happy to extend you your first job interview after graduation.

Our community at Water House is dedicated to the integrity of this work. That being said, we have partnered with a local school whose values are in alignment with our business.  If you have interest, continue reading and call to schedule a tour. Make sure you mention Water House Wellness when you call.

Spirit Wellness Institute, Salem, MA (978) 414-5068

Program details for your consideration...

  • Classes run on Tuesday's and Thursday's 

  • Program is comprised of 3 X 12 week semesters 

  • Program meets all state requirements for licensure

Apply for the 650 Hour Massage Therapy Training Program to reserve your space, classes start May 9th, 2023:


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