The Benefits of Touch
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With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, some people start thinking about love and the expression of love. Not all of us will have a valentine and honestly, not everyone wants one! But there are ways to stimulate some of the same hormones that being in love can release. One of those ways is through massage.

Now, we want to stress that in no way does this mean that you’ll fall in romantic love with your practitioner or vice versa! But your body can get some of the same benefits you feel while in love. That feeling of relaxation and the release of endorphins is wonderful!  You don’t always need someone special in your life to do that. Of course we do love our therapists and you will too- but in a different way!

A Brief History

The idea of massage and touch actually goes back to ancient times. Massage therapy has been around for over 5000 years! It has roots in India and China, but didn’t hit the mainstream in the US until the 20th century. Some techniques were used during World War I to treat patients with nerve injury or shell shock. 

The practice was viewed as a luxury for the rich and in some circles it was unfortunately associated with the sex trade due to shady massage parlors. But toward the second half of the 1900s, people started to see the benefit of it for natural healing. States began to regulate massage, while education and licensing became a key part of it. Massage is now seen as a legitimate form of alternative and complementary medicine as well as physical therapy. It’s often recommended by medical doctors. 

The Massage Experience

If you’ve ever had a massage, you understand that it is an amazing experience. If you are reluctant to try it, know that massage therapists work this way everyday and to us it's no big deal to work closely with your muscles. Here is a short explanation of what to expect when you arrive for your massage at Water House Wellness:

Your therapist will greet you in the lobby and bring you to what is called a treatment room. This is a private, warm, room that may have soft relaxing music in the background. Some therapists also use essential oil in the room to tell all of your senses that it’s time to wind down. 

After talking to your therapist about what areas of your body you want to work on, you’ll be left alone in the room to get undressed to your comfort level. Most people leave on their underpants while others completely undress. Once you climb on the table and get between the two layers of sheets you will be covered completely. When you are ready, the massage therapist reenters the room and makes sure that you are comfortable on the table. They may add more blankets or put supportive bolsters under your knees or feet. 

Their job is to make you comfortable, so if there are any areas you don't want addressed, those areas will stay covered and the therapist will avoid them. The therapist only uncovers what they are working on and then they cover you back up. If you feel any discomfort or feel uncovered during the treatment, you are encouraged to let them know that you need more or less pressure or you want to feel more covered.

For the next 30 to 90 minutes, your massage therapist will use an oil or lotion to rub away tension. You can completely shut yourself off and relax!

Physical & Mental Benefits

Some of the benefits of massage are obvious. It helps to loosen muscles, works out knots, and can relieve joint pain. But that isn’t all that happens. Massage can actually release endorphins, the hormones that make us feel good. The increase in endorphins can help people feel less pain. 

Regular massage treatments have also been shown to help conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. It also improves circulation, boosting oxygen and nutrients to cells and organs.  It also helps detoxify by stimulating the lymphatic system. This benefits the immune system. 

It doesn’t stop with physical benefits. The brain and mental side get to enjoy the massage as well. Massage appointments are a rare opportunity for a person to unplug from distractions. It’s a time to sit still and empty your mind. This is a big stress relief and allows someone to just “be” and reconnect with your body. The one thing on your mind is how your body feels in that moment.  

Human touch is important for our well-being. It benefits our emotional state and overall wellness. In addition to endorphins, the body releases oxytocin, also known as the love hormone. 

After a massage, people tend to sleep better. With the tension released and endorphins and oxytocin active, a person can truly let go and rest. 

Schedule Your Massage

There is no reason not to get a massage! Water House Wellness has a diverse group of licensed massage therapists who can help you relax and rejuvenate your mind and your body. Through therapeutic touch and hands-on healing, you’ll experience a positive impact on your overall health and wellness, especially during stressful times.

We offer a huge variety of massage experiences from focus area massages, to couple’s massages (great for Valentine’s Day!), to a supine (face up) massage that only works on your head, neck, and shoulders. Our massages can go anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes.  Check out what we offer and book online today! 

If you’d prefer to talk to someone about your options, give us a call at (339) 707-0476. We’re looking forward to hearing from you! 


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