The Surprising Health Benefits of Being Lazy and Selfish

Image of person relaxing with feet up, enjoying a coffee.

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Okay, we would never come straight out and tell you that being a selfish lazy bum is good for you. That title is total clickbait (but you’re here, right?). We’re not kidding when we say there are huge benefits to the occasional lazy day and to have some “me time” every so often.  And science supports it.

Go Ahead and Take the Day Off!

According to a 2023 Pew Research Center survey, nearly half of Americans (46%) who get vacation time at work don’t use it all.  People are not only not taking trips, but they’re also not using that time for things like doctor’s appointments, family responsibility, or mental health days. 

That same survey gives a few reasons as to why:

  • Many people feel like they get too much vacation time and there is no need to use it.

  • Some employees feel like if they are gone, they’ll get behind and it will be too difficult to catch up.

  • People who are out of the office feel guilty when coworkers have to step into their jobs.

  • Some people are downright afraid that if they are gone for whatever reason, they’ll be fired, especially those who’ve been employed for less than a year.

  • They can’t afford to take a vacation.

  • Company culture discourages time away from the office.

Not using your vacation time can compound stress, which takes a toll on your overall health.  It also reduces productivity and innovation at work and sadly, it can affect your home life. A whopping 98% of employers offer vacation time, so it’s there to take! In fact, some employers have started mandating time off because they know that it’s good for their employees.

Benefits of Taking Time Off

Using your vacation time doesn’t have to mean an all-inclusive resort trip or a family jaunt to Disney World (and if you’ve ever done that, you know that’s more stressful than working!). Sometimes a mental health day, or week, to reset is all you need. When you’re overwhelmed with work, you can experience cognitive fatigue, difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, and impaired problem solving ability. 

You’ll be less stressed out.

It’s no secret that stress is bad for us. It raises cortisol and adrenaline levels which over time increases the risk for major health issues, including heart disease. A recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that 745,000 people died in 2016 from heart disease and stroke due to long hours. The research found that working 55 hours or more a week was associated with a 35% higher risk of stroke and a 17% higher risk of dying from heart disease than a workweek of 35 to 40 hours.

Stress can also be a trigger for a cluster of health issues including high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess belly fat and abnormal cholesterol levels. This is called metabolic syndrome and can lead to (surprise!) type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

In one study, researchers found that people who took regular vacations were less likely to meet the criteria for a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. What’s more is that the risk keeps going down with each additional vacation! Another study followed more than 12,000 men at high risk for heart disease. In the end, those who took regular vacations were less likely to die from any cause.

You’ll sleep better.

When you’re stressed out, you don’t sleep. If you’ve ever tossed and turned worrying about what you said or did that day, or are worried about tomorrow and beyond, you know how big of a toll it can be. Taking some time off of work can help reset those bad habits- thinks like working too late or checking your phone overnight. A study by New Zealand Air asked participants on vacation to wear a device that would monitor their quality of sleep. They collected data three days before their holiday until three days after they returned home. After just two to three days of vacation, the subjects averaged an hour more of good quality sleep and experienced an 80% improvement in their reaction times. When they returned home, they were still sleeping close to an hour more, and their reaction time was 30% to 40% higher than before the trip!

It improves your mood.

Have you ever worked with someone who is always in a bad mood?  Yeah, me too!  A study done by the Marshfield clinic looked at 1,500 women and concluded that those who vacationed less often than once every two years were more likely to suffer from depression and increased stress than women who took vacations at least twice a year. 

You’ll be more productive.

The irony is that taking time off work can help you be more productive when you return. If you were able to catch up on sleep during vacation, it can help you think more clearly and be more focused when you go back to work. 

Ernst & Young did a study that concluded that every 10 hours of vacation time that employees took, their year-end performance improved 8%!  Another study showed that using all of your vacation time increases your chances of getting a promotion or a raise.

Enjoying “Me Time”

Clearly taking some time off of work has huge benefits. But what if you need that break but are unable to take a true vacation due to commitments or finances? A staycation might be just what you need. Just relaxing at home can help you reset. It’s not quite as glamorous as an exotic location, but if you commit to truly taking time off, the benefits may be similar. And hey, while you’re enjoying some me time, why not get pampered? 

The Magic of Massage

When most people think of pampering, massage automatically comes to mind. And for good reason! It used to be considered a luxury treatment, but now it’s an accessible and affordable option for most people. It’s gained a lot of respect beyond the wholistic community as many medical professionals are recommending it because science is backing the benefits!

Studies of massage benefits have shown that massage can:

  • Help with stress reduction.

  • Relieve pain.

  • Lessen muscle tightness.

  • Increase relaxation.

  • Improve the work of the immune system.

Physically, massage lowers the amount of the stress hormone cortisol in your body. While cortisol is reduced, the massage also triggers the release of the feel-good hormone serotonin. This combination boosts the body’s ability to fight pain and decrease anxiety and depression. 

Massage usually takes place in a safe and nurturing place. It’s comfortable and calming and the atmosphere itself can lower stress. If you’re someone who suffers from anxiety or depression, massage is something that can be incorporated into your life to provide some relief. It can be done any time, not just during a staycation! 

Pamper Your Skin

Massage will help you feel physically and mentally better, but a great skincare treatment will help you look better. Looking better is always a confidence boost. A simple facial is not only relaxing, but stimulates the cellular turnover cycle. This process removes dead skin cells from the surface and signals your body to create new cells. This gives your skin a fresh, renewed appearance.

For those who want a more intense treatment, there are several options available. 

  • Hydradermabrasion is a treatment that uses water to blast away dead skin cells. It’s a great treatment for those concerned about premature aging skin.

  • LED Facials are a light therapy that work exceptionally well on acne prone skin. If you’ve been breaking out due to stress, this treatment will help reset things back to normal.

  • Dry Brushing is a full body exfoliation to renew your skin everywhere. It’s usually followed by a moisturizing mask to kick start the healing process.

  • Microneedling works with a device that makes small punctures in the skin, effectively causing microdamage. This forces the skin to go into healing mode, which means fresh skin cells are made to replace what was damaged.


Meditation has hit the mainstream. People are discovering the benefits thanks to studies and even apps you can download to help guide the process. Mindfulness meditation has roots in neurology and psychology in that it can help relieve stress, treat heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain, improve sleep, and alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties and help sufferers manage grief and depression.

The idea behind mindfulness and meditation is that it can be used to make you aware of the present. The benefits can all help you in your everyday life, including your career.

  • Improved self-control

  • Increased objectivity

  • Increased affect tolerance

  • Enhanced flexibility

  • Equanimity

  • Improved concentration and mental clarity

  • Increased emotional intelligence and the ability to relate to others and one's self with kindness, acceptance and compassion

Other De-Stressing Treatments

There are a lot of other treatments available that allow you relaxation and me time. And all of them have picked up support through scientific studies. Some of these include:

  • Acupuncture

  • Sauna

  • Amma

  • Light Therapy

  • Reiki

  • And More!

Book Your Lazy and Selfish Day Today!

Any and all of these de-stressing treatments are available to book at Water House Wellness. Our practitioners are professional, certified, and have extensive experience providing these services. We also take things a step further by finding out your wants and needs so that we can tailor the experience to exactly what your body and soul need to start the healing process. 

Booking is simple! You can call us at (339)-707-0476 or see what’s available online by clicking here. 


The Secret to Amazing Skin: Cellular Turnover


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