The Secret to Amazing Skin: Cellular Turnover

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Do you want to know the secret to amazing skin? It’s based in biology and if you understand what it is and how it works, you can find the best products and treatments for your needs. The secret is something called “cellular turnover.”

The Science Behind Healthy Skin

We promise we won’t bore you with a science lesson (even though it is fascinating), so we’ll explain cellular turnover in the most basic way possible.

In short, cellular turnover is the process of producing new skin cells to replace existing ones. You’ve probably heard that our skin is made up of several layers. The new cells are formed at the very bottom layer. That top layer of old cells dies and gets out of the way for the next layer to replace it. Throughout a matter of days or weeks, that layer of new cells rises to the top. It’s a constant cycle and is vital to keeping your skin smooth, healthy, and glowing. 

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Babies and young children have smooth, plump skin because their cellular turnover rate takes place over a few days. This is because they are growing so fast so the body is constantly at work replacing cells. As we reach teenage and young adulthood, this process slows down to about 28 days. As you get older the cellular turnover cycle slows down to anywhere from 40-65 days. In other words, the new cells aren’t being made as quickly and the old cells just sit there. 

Without cellular turnover, you can get a buildup of dead skin cells at the surface that can lead to conditions such as hyperpigmentation, milia (small white bumps under the skin), fine lines/wrinkles and uneven texture. This buildup of dead skin cells can also cause the skin to appear loose and lackluster.  

And it’s not just aging skin that the cycle affects. Cellular turnover and acne have a close link. Acne-prone skin produces more dead skin cells than is typical on a normal skin type. When these cells aren't shed, they contribute to pores being blocked.  It can result in an influx of even more or worsening breakouts. Of course cellular turnover isn't the only factor in acne as hormones, genetics, age and environment/lifestyle all play a role. But knowing that the cycle contributes is a tool you can use to help limit severe breakouts. 

How to Encourage Cellular Turnover  

While cellular turnover is a natural process, there are many ways to stimulate it so that it happens more quickly and effectively. The first step in this is exfoliation. 

Mechanical exfoliants or scrubs work on the surface of the skin by gently loosening the bonds that hold skin cells together enough to remove the dead skin cells. These scrubs can be in the form of a cloth or a brush, or they can be actual products that you apply to the skin. These products usually have a grainy feel and can contain enzymes such as bromelain, rice, or  papain.

Chemical exfoliants such as glycolic acid and salicylic acid are great for promoting cellular turnover, brightening the skin and creating an even skin texture. They work by digesting the bond that holds dead skin cells to the surface, loosening them and encouraging them to fall off. Chemical exfoliants also reach the deeper layers to promote quick and efficient turnover of cells. If you have sensitive skin, lactic acid is a perfect chemical exfoliant and it is the most gentle alpha-hydroxy acid while also providing lots of hydration to the skin. Enzyme exfoliants and physical exfoliants with soft beads can also be great options for those who have sensitive skin but are still looking for cellular turnover support.  

One of the most effective chemical exfoliants is retinoic acid. Milder versions are available over the counter and are labeled as retinol. The strongest retinoic acids require a prescription. These are called tretinoin and come in a range of strengths, depending on your need and tolerance. Tretinoin does cause side effects such as redness and peeling, but once your skin gets used to it, those go away revealing beautiful, healthy skin.  

Treatments to Kick Start Cellular Turnover

There are a lot of great products available to help you along the path to the skin you want. But sometimes, you want to give your skin a little push in order to get started. If that is the route you want to take, consider a skincare treatment from a professional to kick start the process. We’ve listed a few popular options for you to consider.


A simple facial can sometimes help give your skin the help it needs. Most facials work to detoxify and clarify the surface of the skin. The exfoliation and deep cleansing you’ll get from specialized products and tools may be enough to give your skin a boost in the cellular turnover process. It’s a great way to relax and pamper yourself for a little while! 


Dermaplaning is a corrective treatment using an ultra fine blade with feather-like strokes over the face to remove dead skin cells and peach fuzz revealing a glowing complexion through exfoliation. A beautiful antioxidant rich peptide mask is applied afterward to soothe, hydrate, and plump the skin. You can have dermaplaning done every 4 to 6 weeks to encourage cellular turnover. 


Hydradermabrasion (also called hydrodermabrasion) is a newer non-invasive skin resurfacing treatment that uses a specialized tool. It uses oxygen and water to exfoliate the top layer of dead skin cells. The process activates production of collagen and elastin in the skin and increases surface circulation giving you a youthful glow. Hydradermabrasion is helpful in addressing fine lines, surface acne scars, pigmentation and visible pores. We’ve written a full article on this treatment if you would like to learn more. 


Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure using tiny needles that gently makes tiny holes in the top layer of your skin with a special device. This microscopic damage stimulates your skin's natural healing process, encouraging collagen and elastin production and general healing. As the skin self repairs over the coming days, you will see a smoother, more even surface to your skin. For more information on microneedling, check out this article!

Get Started Today

The best place to start on the path to better skin is by consulting an expert. A dermatologist can help, but a licensed esthetician might be more accessible and cost effective. The team at Water House Wellness can guide you. They will evaluate your needs, help you decide what treatments and products work best, and they will give you detailed information and follow up with you to be sure that the process is working.

Give us a call at (339) 707-0476 or schedule directly using our online skincare services menu


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